Sunday, December 20, 2009

You Are Super

Wow, what a great year! I know the news likes to tell us otherwise and it's easy to look at all the 'downfall' out there, but stock and housing markets aside, it has proved to be an eye-opening year. I'm talking about the true-ness of families, the steadfastedness of friends pitching in to help each other out. The raiding of our kids closets of out-grown clothing to warm our neighbors with mittens, coats, etc. If nothihg else, these tuff economic times have made a numb, uncaring population into what communities should be. No, I'm not looking through rose-tinted glasses, but this is what I see and am in awe of the transformation. Yes, you are super.

This time of year is always a time of reflection. It's when I look back, go over the last year and note the good, bad and ugly. The changes I want to make and the accomplishments that were achieved. I want to say thanks to this wonderful family of mine pictured above, without my family I probably would have given up bringing handcrafted soaps to the world. My daughter is a great inspiration...'purple and grey look great mommy!', 'why don't we put some of the soap together mommy,' says my son. The Sugar Pine Boutique shop on Etsy isn't solely created by me and I thank them so very much.

I also thank the support that I have recieved from family and friends. As many of you know, it is very difficult to get any sort of business off the ground without the support of family and friends. Thank you SO much!!!

I hope you all have a great Christmas and no matter how many presents are under the tree, remember that the true gift of the year are those gathered with you on this special holiday.


  1. What a sweet post! You have a beautiful family! Love the new soap basket too:) Very pretty!

  2. Great post. I could not live without my husband who is my family. Enjoy the holidays with your beautiful loved ones!


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